Leather boots Edith Maximize

Leather boots Edith

Leather boots

More details

Fancy calf leather boots, galactic and pearl effects, and black foal leather. Stiletto heel. Opening on the instep. Half sizes available.

How to wear them ?

It is through the creation of Edith that Vincent Bottesi can express his very nostalgic art. Elegant and seductive boots, the outfit chosen to go out with them can only be audacious, magnified by the winding line on the foot. Satin or silk dress, jumpsuit, smooth drapes or fur surrounding the face, or tailored skirt with tartan patterns create ambiguous alliance. Irresistible !

  • Heel height: Stiletto heel 11cm
  • Inner sole: Black leather sole
  • Materials: black goat lining

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Leather boots Edith

Leather boots Edith

Leather boots

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